We are open to exploring collaborations which enable people to extend their horizons and develop other pathways to fight loneliness. A bright future for all is there to be invented.
Please see our latest collaborations here:
How Can I get Involved?
Janice invites you to join her in her mission to have a Glamour Club in every village, town and city in the UK on a Saturday afternoon in the next decade.
Buy a Glamour Club Licence
Our licence agreements can be customised to each individual, community or corporate organisation. This is a golden opportunity to genuinely change the face of our society, to partner a laudable movement which strives to eliminate loneliness and tackle, head on, the potentially devastating effects of loneliness and loneliness caused by social isolation.
Full Project Leadership and Management Services
Full project leadership and management services customised for your needs. Available on an hourly, daily or a contract basis.
Sponsor Us – Social Responsibility
Partnering with us means that you share our social and corporate responsibilities, mission, vision and values. We have a number of off the shelf and customised packages available.
The Owner and Creator of The Glamour Club is Janice Moth, MInstLM she is a member of the Institute of Leadership, an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development and Chartered Institute of Management.
Janice spent many years working in London and Munich in high finance, in Human Resource Management and the past decade in Corporate and Operational Services Mental Health for the NHS in West Sussex.
In 2017 whilst sitting at Kuala Lumpur airport she began to reflect on her 10 month trip around SE Asia. She realised how lonely she had felt at times and was shocked to read the statistics around loneliness and loneliness caused by social isolation particularly those in the 50+ age group. She decided right then and there to do something about this when she returned to the UK.
It Socks to be Lonely Sometimes Ltd was incorporated, this is a companion service for everyone and The Glamour Club was born out of this on World Mental Health Awareness Day – 10 October 2018.
The Glamour Club launch party video was filmed by an Emmy and 4 x BAFTA award winning film maker and this really got The Glamour Club off to a good start. The film captured the atmosphere and the joy it gave the guests that day. Hey presto it was an instant hit and to quote Janice on the day “it was something that people had been waiting for, longing for, it didn’t exist and we are here to stay”.
Let’s end loneliness together right here, right now.